
Content writing mistakes

Most people realise the importance of updating their website regularly, but not everyone understands the best way to do it, or more importantly, the way you shouldn’t do it.

Writing content for your own website should be the easiest thing in the world. You’re writing about your industry, you’re the best person to know what to write about so your content should be interesting, well researched, unique and newsworthy. However it doesn’t always follow that the person with an in-depth knowledge of the industry is the best person to write the content for the website for SEO.

Here are some basic content writing mistakes people make when writing for their website.

Stealing content from other websites
This should be obvious, but to many it isn’t. Google wants to see unique websites with unique content, if your website consists of content that is freely available elsewhere then there’s nothing unique about your website. By stealing content from other sites, even if it’s free articles from article directories, you’re ensuring that your website is seen as duplicate content, and as such will be penalised by Google.

Writing self promotional content
If your website consists solely of articles promoting your own products and services, what use is it for anyone researching topics on the Internet? None whatsoever, and Google will see that too. If you just write marketing jargon about great your services are, you’ll be wasting your time with your content. It won’t work for you for SEO.

Failing to update regularly
Some people find it difficult to manage their time with regards to writing on their websites, and as such leave their website untouched for several days, or even weeks, before writing content. By not updating your website regularly you’re not giving Google a reason to come back and index your site more frequently.

These are just three basic mistakes in content writing, there are of course many more that people often make. We’ll cover more in future articles.

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