Content Research

One of the things that we like to do at Stuck On in research.  It helps us to evolve our current offerings and allows us to come up with new products as well.  I have said it before, and I will say it again, I think that it is one of the more important things that any company involved with an unknown entity (in our case the search engines) can do.

You cannot rely on what some guy on a web forum tells you, but must question and test everything yourself.  I have seen things that haven’t made sense with some SERPs (search engine results pages), until I spent quite a lot of time and effort trying to recreate what I had seen in a different SERP, and only when I achieved that did I understand what was happening fully.  The search engines are constantly changing their algorithms, and none are perfect, bugs can be introduced and all sorts, and it is up to us to keep on top of these changes.

In a totally different note, does anyone see a difference between the SERPs for Rug and rug?  Explain that one to me.  Rugs and rugs don’t have this issue, it isn’t a big thing, but it is interesting, and is the sort of thing that research time should be spent on so that we can all increase our understanding of SEO.  No matter how many sites you have worked on, or how many years you have been in the industry, things will always surprise you.

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