
Content is the best form of link building

In any SEO campaign it’s important to build links in order to strengthen your website. However, the most common form of building links involves buying them (or more accurately, renting them) which has a few notable drawbacks:

  1. It’s expensive
  2. It’s only for a limited time, so needs renewing every 12 months
  3. It’s time consuming
  4. It’s against Google’s TOS

All four of those reasons against paying for links are good enough on their own not to do it, but the fourth reason (Google) should tell you quite categorically that you shouldn’t be buying links.

A much better way of building links for your website is to attract them through content. Links attracted through quality content are far more valuable than any links that have been bought. They’re naturally built up over time, they’re often highly relevant and targeted and best of all, they’re free!

With content, you can attract the sort of links that you could never gain through link buying, from the sort of websites that would never sell links in the first place. Link buying is a short term solution to a long term problem, content is the real answer.

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