
Content focus: emphasising the right points

Content focus: emphasising the right points

A web page has to have a point, and many companies spend a long time choosing the right content to promote their businesses. Keywords are agonised over in meetings, topics thrashed out and teams of content writers may be employed in order to produce the right tone of voice across a site. For the purposes of SEO, the key points chosen and emphasised within a company’s web pages can be critical in determining who will find the site and, if mistakes are made, the people who arrive there may not be the original target audience.

For example, for a company selling cakes, a product which could be bought for those of any age, it may become apparent that the people being attracted to the website by its content and keywords are the wrong ones in terms of who is likely to make a purchase. The target audience might be people over sixty, who remember these particular cakes from childhood, and the content has been written in a way that brings in an audience of cake-loving twenty-somethings seeking novelty cakes. This is a problem. The youngsters are not at all interested in nostalgic, fruity treats. In the meantime, older people yearning for such products are unable to find the site, because they use different keywords in their searches from the ones chosen by the site’s content writers.

It is certainly worth checking content periodically to see if its focus is correct, and if not, hiring trained SEO copywriters might be required to put things right.

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