
Computer use dulls the creativity of children

Computer use dulls the creativity of children

According to a book written by psychologist Kimberley O’Brien, children who write a creative story by hand have twice as many ideas as children who use a computer to type stories. The book entitled Childhood Creativity in Decline? Putting the Spotlight on the Issue of Supporting Creativity in Children, states:

“Using software that immediately tells children to correct errors like spelling and grammar will disrupt their thought patterns and consequently stunt their idea formation.”

Other new research shows that children who regularly use a computer to type work can often feel inadequate and vulnerable when using traditional pen and paper, doubting their ability to succeed. However, a member of the UK Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society, Patricia Lovett points out that the same fears were expressed following the introduction of the telephone and then, many years later the fax machine, computers, email and text messaging.

The results of the research do raise the questions of whether future generations will be able to spell without a computer, or be able to generate enough creativity to write a story. Computers are not infallible when it comes to checking spelling and grammar. The English language is complex, with several meanings for just one word, in some cases. Creating original content on a regular basis is a complex procedure, with correct spelling and grammar essential to create a professional image for your business. Content outsourcing to a UK copywriting agency will ensure that all your copy is creative, original and grammatically correct.

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