Companies complain to EU about their poor Google rankings

Companies complain to EU about their poor Google rankings

If your website doesn’t rank well within Google, you should probably seek the services of an SEO company. If you’re already receiving SEO services, or have an SEO consultant or in-house team on the case and you’re still not getting results, perhaps it’s time to change your search engine optimisation company?

Alternatively, you could take a leaf out of the book of three companies in particular, and complain to the EU that your website isn’t ranking in Google. If only every business did that about their website!

Incredibly, one of the companies complaining to the EU about their poor Google rankings is Microsoft. Microsoft isn’t happy about the Google rankings for its product reviews website and, rather than conduct some SEO on the site, or evaluate the website’s current SEO, they’ve gone straight to the top and are crying foul about Google’s ranking algorithm to the EU.

The other two companies who are also crying foul are a French legal site,, and a UK search engine called Foundem – no, we’ve never heard of them either and their website seems to feature nothing but product listings linking to retail websites. We all know how much Google loves affiliate websites such as these – maybe Foundem should add some original content to their site, making their site worth finding, rather than complaining that Google isn’t ranking them in the first place!

So how can these companies complain, what are their grounds? Well, they’re complaining that their lack of rankings within Google somehow breach European competition law – as though Google were somehow holding them back.

Perhaps even more incredible is the fact that the EU is taking this seriously, at least according to their competition commissioner Joaquín Almunia. In a recent conference held in London, he commented:

“The work is at an early stage, but given the importance of search to a competitive online marketplace, I am looking at the allegations very carefully.”

“If companies do establish themselves in a strong position in a market, there may be risks that they will use this position to foreclose other markets.”

Google of course denies that any wrong doing has been done, stating that its search engine exists to assist those looking for information online. Google commented:

“We’re working with the commissioner and his team to answer their questions, including how Google’s search ranking works to produce the most relevant and useful search results for users.”

So, if you’re not getting the Google rankings that you think you should be, what are you going to do about it?

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