
Comments are good for SEO

Comments left on your blog posts, articles, news and other parts of your website are worth their weight in gold (if they had weight). The comments are free content left by other people, yet add great value to your website and your online marketing efforts.

Why are comments so great for SEO?

  • They keep the website updated, which encourages Google to index more frequently
  • They can be found in the SERPs, so every comment contains text that bring you traffic
  • They encourage more people to comment, which means people are interacting with your website and are coming back regularly to respond to further comments

Despite their obvious value, some website owners don’t allow comments to be posted on their website as they don’t want the hassle of having to moderate them, or they don’t want other people writing on their websites at all.

Refusing to allow the posting of comments hinders the content on your website and restricts the effect of your SEO campaign. You only need to spend a few minutes a week approving or deleting comments, and they don’t have to go live without being moderated first, so inappropriate content never goes live on your website.

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