Charity Collection

Charities to benefit from new Facebook Fundraiser pages

Charity Collection

Charities to benefit from new Facebook Fundraiser pages

Non-profits and registered charities could soon see more donations flood in thanks to dedicated pages on Facebook that make it easier to donate money.

This follows two months on from when the company unveiled its Social Good division, which looks to build applications that help focus charitable efforts.

“Fundraiser” pages allow charities to encourage giving for specific causes, such as clean water or to help refugees. Donate buttons, once the preserve of ads on the site, will feature prominently and allow Facebook users to contribute directly from their newsfeeds.

The new tool allows a non-profit to go into detail about its campaign, and will show a progress bar to show how close it is to its goal, similar to Kickstarter. The donate button will remain static on the page, meaning that they can update content without it being lost in the feed. Organisations are still required to be transparent as to how the money is being spent.

As of the 18th November, three non-profits have live pages – the World Wildlife Fund, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Mercy Corps, which assists people caught in conflict or natural disasters.

Currently, there is no fee to pay for a Fundraiser page, but one will be implemented at an undisclosed point in 2016.

Facebook’s vice president of product management, Naomi Gleit, said in a blog post:

“People raise money for disaster relief, they search for missing children and they bring attention to the issues they care about.

“We’ve seen from our community that when people take action, lives are changed. We know we can do more to enable these connections.”

Given Facebook’s huge user base of 1 billion active users per day, the fundraising possibilities will tempt many charities; more than £10 million was raised to assist victims of the Nepal earthquake in April this year.

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