Building images added to Google Maps

Building images added to Google Maps

Building images have recently been added to Google Maps to a number of cities in the United States.

Google Maps now features 25 million footprint images of buildings, making it easier for business users, tourists and other travellers to locate their destination. Bobby Parikh, Google Maps’ engineering manager, pointed out that buildings are often used to locate a destination, helping to navigate a route.

Both mobile and desktop users will be able to access the new building footprints and many of the main cities in the US will be included in the latest update from Google Maps. Parikh wrote in the Google Lat Long blog:

“These building footprints, complete with height detail, are algorithmically created by taking aerial imagery and using computer vision techniques to render the building shapes. This process enables us to provide more building footprints and a more comprehensive and detailed map than ever before.”

People can also make changes to the building images to improve the shapes by using Google Map Maker – a mapping tool introduced by Google. Details of a local business may also be added to a building which exists on the map, including the business name. Google Maps and Google Street View are constantly being updated to make improvements.

If the latest improvements are introduced for UK locations, it could have an effect on the SEO of a company. With Google increasing its use of localisation, its alterations often result in a change to the work required for the search engine optimisation of a business website.

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