
BP attempts reputation management over oil spill

BP is currently the most hated company in America due to the oil spill that is still gushing gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Of course, when you have managed to inflict that much damage to the planet and your brand reputation (and still inflicting it today, as the leak hasn’t been fixed) you will need some serious online reputation management to repair your brand image.

How you go about this is vital however – simply throwing money at Google Adwords by bidding on oil spill related keywords isn’t going to achieve anything.

Guess that’s what BP will be doing then!

BP Oil Spill

Instead of investing money into fixing the leak, or repairing the damage caused by the oil spill itself, BP is spending a lot of money bidding on keywords on Google Adwords in an attempt to deflect people searching for news on the problem.

BP is also spending money on Yahoo and Bing, to catch people looking for news of the oil spills on those sites as well.

Is this a clever stroke, or has BP dropped another clanger in its attempt to clear up its own mess?

  • oh my, it’s still there! can anyone speculate on how much they are spending on that advert. I don’t have much knowledge of PPC but it must be in the hundreds of thousands.

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