BBC top brand as Amazon, Google and Starbucks have a taxing time

BBC top brand as Amazon, Google and Starbucks have a taxing time

BBC iPlayer has topped a 2012 brands list, whilst Amazon, Google and Starbucks have dropped right down the pecking order, as the tax strife continues to hit home.

The findings come courtesy of the YouGov BrandsIndex poll for the year. The survey, which takes the public opinion pulse of companies, took thousands of unique opinions towards the end of December.

Despite the ongoing scandals at the BBC, its iPlayer brand rated number one in the list. Also performing well was the website itself,, with many people still trusting its reports. It also does well in the SEO stakes, often topping SERPs particularly under news channels.

However, the big news of the year is reserved for Amazon, Google and Starbucks. The three giants of their industry have been given the auspicious ranking of the most damaged brands of the year.

For its part, Amazon dropped from a clear number one at the end of 2011, to third in the list come the close of 2012. BrandIndex’s director Sarah Murphy said:

“Amazon had a score of 32.1 last year, so (the large drop is a) significant drop for them.”

She went on to say that the fall is attributed to issues over tax avoidance. Suffering worst of all though was Google, which dropped out of the top ten completely, from its number four status in 2011.

The top 10 in full is:

1. BBC iPlayer
2. John Lewis
3. Amazon
4. Money Saving Expert
5. Marks & Spencer
6. Apple iPad
7. Sainsbury’s
9. Samsung
10. Cathedral City

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