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Are Google Analytics and Chrome data used for rankings?

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Are Google Analytics and Chrome data used for rankings?

In a recent Google Office-hours hangout, John Mueller was asked if data from Google Analytics and Chrome was used by Google to rank websites in search results.

Is Chrome data used for rankings?

Mueller explained that he doesn’t think that Google Chrome data is used for ranking. The only data from Chrome used for rankings is that collected from users who have opted in to share data to Google through Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX).

This data is used for the field data (data collected from users) which is used to calculate your websites Core Web Vitals, which has been a ranking factor for Google since June last year.

What about Google Analytics?

According to Mueller, Google doesn’t use any Google Analytics data for rankings. However, he highlights the importance of analysing data to help you make decisions about your search engine optimisation (SEO). This includes looking at your bounce rate and users’ time on the site, which you will want to improve to help make your website more effective.

This has been an ongoing discussion ever since 2013, when a blog did the rounds about a Brighton SEO presentation that featured three ex-Google employees. The blogger shared that Chrome is tracking traffic to websites for ranking purposes, but this information was incorrect and the blogger had misunderstood the video of the presentation. This caused many people to think that this data was used for rankings.

If you are looking to improve your business’s online presence, SEO is an option for you to consider. At Engage Web, we offer SEO services to clients who want to increase traffic to their site to help them increase sales, leads or enquiries. Why not have a chat with our friendly team today to find out more?

Emily Jones

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