
Amazon the new favourite in Google search results?

Amazon the new favourite in Google search results?

Those working within search engine optimisation and most people in general will be aware of the popularity of Wikipedia in Google’s search results, with Wikipedia pages often showing on the first page of Google’s search results. However, it now seems Amazon is actually showing up more frequently than Wikipedia, thus gaining even more exposure thanks to its positioning in the Google rankings.

A recent study carried out by SpyFu has found Amazon is displayed on the first page of Google’s search results for around 40% of the search queries carried out whilst Wikipedia is ranked on the first page around 30% of the time. SpyFu used data collected over the last five years and it’s “SEO Recon Database” which, according to SpyFu, has around 699 million Google search results pages. Through analysis of this data and research, Google’s tendency to rank Amazon highly in its search results is clear.

The ranking of Amazon in Google’s rankings has been steadily increasing over the last five years and in autumn 2010, it started to outperform Wikipedia in the search results.

SpyFu said its

“keyword selections are more likely to be keywords that people advertise on; they are much more likely to transactional”

and also that these keywords are likely those that are highly competitive and highly popular too.

This research is incredibly interesting for those in the world of SEO who are always eager to gain any information and understanding of the Google search results and the websites that are ranked highly in them.

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