
Allow your content to be submitted to social networking websites

Allow your content to be submitted to social networking websites

Social networking plays a pivotal role in the SEO and promotion of websites online. By harnessing the power of social networking websites you’re able to reach an audience that you would previously have been unable to reach, and without any real extra effort. The concept being social networking is that people communicate with their friends and family, and make new friends online. They share information, news and stories that they have found on the Internet.

This could include the content from your website!

When you write content for your website you should include with it the capacity for others to share it on Facebook, add it to Twitter and distribute it by other means. This is work that you, or your web developer, only has to do once. Then every new post added to your website comes ready to be shared with others across the Internet.

Of course you don’t want to go overboard. There are hundreds (probably thousands) of social networking websites that you could add links for on your posts but to do so would make your posts look cluttered, and could come across as spam. You only really need the main ones, the ones that will bring you the traffic.

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