ACS Law solicitor quits in middle of trial

ACS Law solicitor quits in middle of trial

A lawyer for a firm that is the bane of internet file sharers everywhere has dramatically announced his decision to quit after receiving death threats.

Andrew Crossley
, a solicitor who was part of ACS Law’s campaign which accused internet users of illegally downloading music, films and software, stood before a court in the middle of a case, and declared that he had “been subject to criminal attack”, and had his email account hacked in addition to receiving bomb threats.

ACS Law attracted controversy by sending out accusatory letters concerning people’s downloading habits, threatening to take people to court and offering them the chance to pay several hundred pounds to settle the matter out of court. Their actions invoked the wrath of internet users everywhere, to the point where anyone in the SEO industry would balk at the prospect of having to restore their online reputation.

The company has since come under attack itself; hackers breached security at the firm, and obtained confidential email messages which contained information regarding the people its solicitors were pursuing. The BBC reported that this breach is under investigation by the Information Commissioner, and ironically could lead to a hefty fine for Mr Crossley himself.

Meanwhile, ACS continues to issue letters on behalf of their client MediaCAT, even though they lost their first court cases on various technicalities. In summation of their most recent case, Judge Birss commented that he is considering a ban on MediaCAT issuing any more letters until all of the issues raised in their cases so far have been addressed.

Many SEO professionals would regard the resignation of Mr Crossley as a consequence of an extremely damaged internet reputation – possibly even beyond repair.

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