
A third of primary school children below standard in the “three Rs”

A third of primary school children below standard in the “three Rs”

According to experts, one third of primary school children will start secondary school with standards falling far short of expected in the core subjects. Experts believe that more than 60 percent will have achieved the standards expected for their age group. If this happens, with a third of children not reaching the required standards, 170,000 children across the United Kingdom will start secondary school below the accepted level of education.

Ministers want to reform the testing system, making it much tougher for spelling, grammar and punctuation. However, teachers have called for the testing system to be scrapped, as it is flawed with standards of marking being poor.

Reading, mathematics and writing are viewed as the basis of a good education, but only 64 percent reached the desired standard. An assessment specialist at the University of Buckingham, Professor Alan Smithers said that he believed that a third of children wouldn’t reach the desired level 4 for reading, writing and maths this year, and welcomed a reform by the education secretary, Michael Gove.

Worryingly, the National Association of Head Teachers warned that marking errors may result in children receiving the wrong grades, while the head teacher of Water Hall Primary in Milton Keynes labelled the marking in writing tests as “absolutely appalling”.

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