
A formula for website success?

I have been working out for a few hours now a formula for the success of a typical 1-2 person owned website.

The idea came to me after the successful sale of a website created by a member of the Stuck On team following a year of building.  Using the figures that were applicable to that particular example, and testing the calculation on other successful sites also to a good level of correctness, I thought that I would release the calculation for all.

The calculation below may upset mathematicians the world over due to the large number of brackets used, but as a non-math person, it is the way that I know how to build the equation, so please forgive me, uber-geeks of math world.

Okay, here it is, in its glory.  I will explain the equation below.

((((((u+u)-1) * s * f) * ((i/c)+(i/10))) * 10) * 12) * 3.5

The letters within the equation represent the following:

  • u – unique content /3
  • s – quality of SEO on the site (off and on-page SEO) /3
  • f – frequency of content being added to the site /3
  • i – worth of the industry online /100
  • c – competition online of existing industry sites /100

I had actually written a paragrah here showing an example, but I would like people to try and create their own examples from the above calculation and to see if it shows the kind of figures they expect to make or have actually made after a 1 year period.


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