
7 Tips to Writing Great Content

Writing great content for your website is very challenging. Your content has to be engaging, unique, interesting, and lots of other adjectives that we haven’t got the time to list.

Speaking of lists, we have got time to list 7 great tips for writing great content. So let’s start with number one:

  1. Don’t sit on the fence
    Nobody ever made a noise by being agreeable. Your content needs to stir emotions, rattle cages and get people worked up. Have an opinion in your content and don’t be afraid to share it.
  2. Engaging titles
    Your title is important as it’s what attracts people to click on your link in SERPs and it’s probably what allowed them to find your link in the first place. Make sure you’re title says what your article is about, in a nutshell. There’s no room for subtle puns online, leave that for newspapers.
  3. Formatting
    Long pages of bulky text are of no use to you as nobody will bother to read through it. Break up your content with images, bullet points, sub-headings, bold copy and the like.
  4. Write lists
    Everyone loves to read lists – they’re easily manageable and they’re fun. Keep them short though, ten is your absolute limit.
  5. Witty
    Make ‘em laugh and they’ll come back for more. A humorous blog post or article will last in your reader’s mind for a long time. If you can write humorous content, do it.
  6. Cross link your content
    Getting people to your site and having them read your content is stage one in the battle. Getting them to stick around is stage two. Link to other posts on your website that are relevant, boosting their rankings in the SERPs and their traffic.
  7. Solicit your reader’s opinion
    Comments make for repeat visits on your website. The more comments people leave, the more they’re replied to, the more people come back. A good website article will encourage comments and will become a hotbed of communication, earning you free content and repeat visits.

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