3D Maps soon to feature from Google

3D Maps soon to feature from Google

Last week Google gave a demonstration of the technology used for its 3D maps. A disclosure was made by the search company to say that planes will be flown over US cities to capture images using its new technology to provide 3D for Google Maps. Google Maps available on Android will also be accessible offline, according to a recent Google disclosure. This latest feature was a project for Google Labs, making it available in Google Maps for Android 5.7.

Although recent reports have indicated that Apple may remove Google Maps from its mobile iOS at the launch of iOS 6, the executives at Google have refused to comment. Google Maps vice president of engineering Brian McClendon said at a San Francisco press conference that Google wants to make Google Maps as accessible as possible. He said:

“The power of Google Maps has been developed over a number of years. The search box is more powerful than a geocoder.”

According to McClendon, the 3D technology will be open to a number of US cities over the next few weeks. By the end of 2012, the new 3D technology will be open to areas totalling around 300 million inhabitants. In comparison, London has around eight million people. The 3D technology will create a closer connection between Google Earth and Google Maps, although previously connected.

Google is at the forefront of technology, improving the information available for users of its search engine. Ultimately, Google is an integral component of a company’s search engine optimisation campaign.

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